
Criminology is the scientific study of the nature, extent, causes, and control of criminal behavior, both in individual and in social contexts. It examines the social, psychological, biological, and environmental factors that influence offenders and victims, the forms and patterns of crime, and efforts to prevent and respond to crime. It also evaluates the efficacy of current laws, policies, and programs related to law enforcement, criminal justice, and correctional practices. Additionally, criminology covers corrections and the administration of justice, with a focus on social and political perspectives.

343 students enrolled

These are the subjects of Criminology Module under New Curriculum.

  • Introduction to Criminology
  • Dispute Resolution and Crisis/Incident Management
  • Theories of Crime Causation
  • Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards
  • Criminological Research 1 and 2
  • Human Behavior and VICTIMOLOGY (Crisis Management)
  • Juvenile Delinquency & Juvenile Justice System
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Yes you can retake the exam. The passing score is 60%.

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